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The New PSLE Scoring System: A Stress or A Bless

With the new PSLE scoring system announced back in 2016, Primary 6 students need not achieve perfect scores to admit themselves into the top secondary schools. The PSLE scoring system has adopted 8 bands instead of generic grades like A* to E. In order to get the best possible score under the new system, students need to achieve the best total possible score of 4 (i.e. AL1 for all 4 subjects.) With this new system, pupils may need not scour for the last mark to outperform their peers.

However, there are some sentiments that this new scoring system will bring about other worries and anxieties for parents and students alike. Some parents are worried that their children might have to worry even more to attain their desired AL score. For example, Student A who scored 89 will get AL2 whereas Student B who scored 90 will get AL1. This small difference can cause such unnecessary panic.

Nevertheless, here in SMARGENT, we believe in students' potential and their ability to excel holistically. We provide comprehensive learning programs, tailored specifically to their learning needs. We can help to allay this fear and journey with your child towards success.


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